Welcome to Part III of a series on the Evergreen Active Club (EAC) and the regional active club alliance to which they belong, the Northwest Nationalist Network (3N). This project is a collaboration between several antifascist crews and individuals: Corvallis Antifa, SunlightAFA, SoCal Research Club, FashFreeNW, Stumptown Research Collective, and antifascist anons. A very special thank you to the Southwest Washington Anti-Racist Movement (SWARM), as well.
In our first installment, we provided a brief overview of the active club / “3.0” movement, EAC’s connections to movement leaders, and the MMA “Martyrs Day Rumble” hosted by EAC. We laid out their deep connections with old school boneheads / “1.0” white nationalists, while giving a brief overview of the Northwest Nationalists Network (3N) and explaining their use of the Black Sun Tri-Color banner. We also identified EAC leader Daniel Rowe and a few of his underlings.
In our second installment, we introduced you to 3N member-group the Vinland Rebels and identified one of its members, neo-Nazi Proud Boy Larkin McIntyre aka Taxi Driver. We also updated information on white nationalist couple Chris and Alena Mack, both of whom have attended 3N events.
In this third installment, we will provide a recap of 3N’s activities since January 2023, their campaign of disrupting small town drag and Pride events, the breakdown of trust between RCN and other member-groups, and 3N’s expanding influence on the Northwest’s white nationalist scene. We will also introduce two newly identified EAC participants: Alan Elliser and Bradley Beck.
If you have any information on Evergreen Active Club or their fellow 3N member-groups, please reach out to us at EACtips@protonmail.com.
- Lakewood Unity Meeting
- RCN Attends Oregon March for Life
- Launching 3N on the Hooley Bridge
- 3N is Officially Announced
- Anti-Drag Hate Rally in Pasco
- Anti-Drag Hate Rally in Florence
- 3N Expands into Montana
- RCN’s Break Up With 3N, and Banner Drop
- Shamed by Lewis County Pride
- 3N Creeps into Wyoming
- 3N Breaks Up Again, and RCN Gets a Beat Down
- New ID: Alan Elliser
- New ID: Bradley Beck
As discussed in Part I, a meeting was held by Evergreen Active Club, Rose City Nationalists (RCN), Puget Sound Active Club (PSAC), and members of Asatru Folk Assembly (AsFA) at Fort Steilacoom Park in Lakewood, WA on January 21st, 2023. These crews came together under the banner of the Northwest Territorial Imperative (NWTI), an ideology that seeks to establish a white separatist ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest. This genocidal vision has been shared by terror organizations such as The Order, The Base, Atomwaffen Division, and the Northwest Front.
The unity meeting at Steilacoom Park marked the first official collaborative effort between these various PNW groups and active clubs. And although it would take about another month before becoming official, this gathering in Lakewood is presumably where the 3N alliance was first agreed upon.
One week after the unity meeting, Rose City Nationalists attended the annual Oregon March For Life rally. This event was organized by Oregon Right to Life, a longstanding anti-choice organization in the state. Momentum from the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade helped the event attract over 1,000 forced-birthers, including local Proud Boys, to the Capitol building in Salem, Oregon on January 28th.
RCN took this opportunity to promote their active club. Half a dozen of their members were seen carrying a banner that read “ABORTION IS GENOCIDE” and included a shortened link to their telegram channel. Members also displayed symbols that are commonly appropriated by fascists, such as the Celtic Cross and the “Appeal to Heaven” flag.
Despite a claim made by the organizers that there were “explicit requests [for militant extremist groups] to leave,” RCN was clearly allowed to participate in the event. They themselves claimed that they never received any push-back, and while we’re disinclined to take neo-Nazi’s at their word, footage suggests that some of the attendees even warmly welcomed them, despite the fact that the group was masked up (two in skull masks) and handing out obvious white nationalist propaganda. It was only due to pressure from the fallout afterwards that the organizers tried to walk back their tolerance of Nazis participating in their march. And even then it wasn’t entirely clear if they were referring to RCN, or to the Proud Boys, who March for Life actually did attempt to put on a leash. Sadly, this tolerance resulted in several of the attendees’ children appearing in neo-Nazi propaganda put out by the group afterwards.
On February 18th, nearly a month after the unity meeting was held between PNW active clubs and members of AsFA, around a dozen mostly masked men in black hoodies—some with Evergreen Active Club logos, others with Rose City Nationalist logos—marched out from the side streets of a small residential neighborhood in Portland, OR and onto the Darlene Hooley Pedestrian Bridge, where they dropped two banners over I-5 that read “No White Guilt” and “No Political Solution.”
Among these men were Daniel Rowe, William Loyer, and Chris Casselman of EAC, who were identified in Part I of this series. They were joined by RCN leader Casey Knuteson, and other RCN members including Nick Paine (who was the only participant not in “uniform”—perhaps as a form of christofash protest against the Evergreen pagans in their midst). This was the first joint “activism” event shared by the two clubs, and it marked the beginning of the newly formed Northwest Nationalist Network.
Prior to this, RCN had been avoiding doing any “activisms” in Portland proper (beyond some stickering). After executing a couple of banner drops in PDX the previous summer, the group had preferred to rally in outlying areas in an attempt to steer clear of the trouble they might stir up in the “anarchist jurisdiction.” But since several members had been identified over the holidays, RCN appears to have felt the need to reassert themselves in the city that was their namesake—and having reinforcements from EAC seems to have helped stiffen their spines.
Usually when an active club does an “activism”, they rely on a predictable cycle to kickstart the initial phase of spreading their message. Either during or immediately afterward, someone inevitably calls it out on social media, which initially spreads the group’s propaganda for them. They know that these shocked posts have the potential to go “viral” as community warning systems kick in, and that’s exactly what they hope for. When online fascists catch wind of the posts, they immediately begin to troll, all the while the active clubs responsible for the “activism” share screenshots in their group chats and gloat. Sometimes they even jump onto social media themselves to join in on the trolling. They might drop a photo of the event that evening, but it usually takes time for them to edit their own footage, and videos of their events typically don’t come out for a day or two.
Things were different with the February 18th joint banner drop. That time, there weren’t any random social media posts by shocked commuters. Instead, at 2:50 pm, presumably at the tail-end of the drop, Daniel Rowe posted pictures of their event on EAC’s public telegram channel. “Evergreen Active Club kicked the hornets nest today doin [sic] a banner drop with Rose City Nationalist Club. More footage and full video coming soon stay tuned.”
Due to the nearly concurrent promotion of their banner drop, we believe it may have been an attempt to set a trap. After so many IDs had come out over the holidays, RCN was feeling punchy and had already alluded to using stickers as bait to try to identify antifascists in retaliation. Although nothing came of it, we know that Nick Paine had already claimed to have assaulted an antifascist in the wake of a previous banner drop, and considering that EAC has violent, racist skinheads in their ranks, we feel that it is imperative to remind people to be mindful when weighing whether or not to approach the scene of a 3N “activism.” At the very least, no one goes alone.
The very next day, a promotional video of the Hooley Bridge banner drop was used to announce the formation of 3N on a newly launched telegram channel. 3N was initially comprised of 3 active clubs: EAC, RCN and the short-lived Puget Sound Active Club (PSAC). In the coming months, more member groups would be added. The next crew that signed on was Big Sky Active Club (BSAC) of Montana, with their inclusion announced the following week on February 26th. Eventually, in the wake of a Florence, Oregon hate rally, the Vinland Rebels would be added to the coalition. White Lives Matter Montana was the next addition, after a couple of 3N “activisms” in their state. This was followed shortly by the recently formed Rainforest Active Club, with their membership being announced on June 2nd.
RCN are best known for the recent beat down they received at the hands of the PDX Proud Boys in Oregon City on June 24th. They are headed up by former Proud Boy, Patriot Front member and convicted child abuser Casey Knuteson. You can learn all about them in this expose series begun last December by a collaborative of several antifascist crews. Our article stops short of describing the Oregon City brawl, but we will be picking up the story and its subsequent fall-out later in the series.
PSAC were a small group that appeared last November. They primarily put up stickers in the SEA-TAC area, and went on a few trips to join up with WLM events in Spokane and Boise. They did not participate in the Hooley Bridge banner drop. As best we can tell, their members appear to have been absorbed into the western EAC crew shortly after the launch of 3N.
BSAC is your run-of-the-mill 3.0 active club based out of Montana, and is ran by Billings, Montana resident Andrew Salacinski. This crew is deeply interconnected with WLM Montana.
Vinland Rebels is a white nationalist organization that is active in Tennessee, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, and Washington. The group works closely with active clubs and WLM crews, and is primarily made up of older boneheads attempting to copy younger white nationalists. You can learn more about them in our previous article.
White Lives Matter Montana is the Montana chapter of the loosely organized WLM movement. This org first became active in the summer of 2021, and is led by domestic abuser and neo-Nazi Sebastian Campbell of Butte, Montana.
Rainforest AC is a recently formed active club that is operating out of the Pacific Northwest’s coastal regions. To our knowledge, no-one has yet been seen repping Rainforest AC on the ground at 3N “activisms”.
A week after formation, 3N issued a founding statement that declared their wish to “foster white unity” in order to combat the “anti-white establishment.” The statement was signed off with the message “We will have our home again.” Given the nature of this rhetoric, and the fact that it is being spewed under the Black Sun Tri-Color, it is obvious that, despite the seemingly innocuous nods to white solidarity, the actual end goal for 3N is the establishment of a white ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest.
On the night of April 5th, about half a dozen members of 3N representing both EAC and RCN joined a right-wing protest of the “Kid-Friendly Disney Drag Extravaganza” held at the Out and About nightclub in Pasco, Washington, part of the Tri-Cities area. With most of them wearing skull masks, 3N intimidated show attendees, as well as community members who had come to support the nightclub. Their aggression caused police to intervene on at least one occasion.
The small crew brought two banners with them, one of which referenced the “Day of the Rope”, a fictional day for the mass lynchings of so-called “race traitors” that was first conceived of by William Luther Pierce in a novel called The Turner Diaries, a poorly written blueprint for a race war that ends in a genocide against people of color and Jewish people. Functioning as a tool of accelerationism, this horrific tale has inspired many terrorist attacks, most notably the Oklahoma City bombing.
This second 3N event occurred on Evergreen’s home turf, where EAC leader Daniel Rowe himself resides in neighboring Richland. It signaled the start of 3N’s shift from banner drops and flag waves to disrupting and intimidating family friendly LGBTQ events, such as drag shows and Pride celebrations.
The Tri-Cities’ moral panic hit a fever pitch four days later, when a Richland venue, the Emerald of Siam, discovered that a number of hate flyers had been glued to their windows on the morning of a family drag brunch. When this was followed by death threats, 150-200 community members marched to a city council meeting to scold their leadership over the recent attacks. They reminded the council that no-one has a “monopoly on family values … not every family is the same.” In anecdotal press interviews, this small town rebuke of hate was called the largest gathering ever assembled at Richland city hall.
While we don’t have any evidence of 3N’s involvement in the attack on the Emerald of Siam, their participation in the earlier Pasco hate rally illustrates the escalatory nature of white nationalist rhetoric in a community.
Florence, OR is a small town on the central Oregon coast, about two and half hours southwest of Portland. On April 29th a group of just under two dozen 3N neo-Nazis showed up to protest an all-ages drag show being held at the Florence Golf Links. This time there were three groups standing under the Black Sun Tri-Color – EAC, RCN, and the Vinland Rebels. In the wake of this event, Vinland Rebels would be officially added to the 3N roster.
The target of this hate rally was “Fanny Rugburn’s Magical Queendom”, a local recurring and cherished family friendly event hosted by Jason Wood, a.k.a. Fanny Rugburn. Wood is a private music teacher in Florence who was running for a seat on the Siuslaw district school board at the time, which had stirred up the ire of a local patriot group … which then got the attention of Nazis.
Arriving in their signature khaki pants, black hoodies and masks (many of which were skull masks), this relatively sizable (for them) group of fascists assembled on both sides of the sidewalk at the vehicle entrance to the golf course and heckled the arriving attendees. They displayed a banner that said “PEDOPHILES OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS”, and flew a Sonnenrad, an “Appeal to Heaven”, an RCN, and a Vinland Rebels flag. They also passed out anti-LGBTQ flyers to passerbys and spewed white nationalist rhetoric through megaphones at a small group of brave community members who had assembled to support the drag show. As a result of this hate rally we were able to identify two of the attendees – Vincent Nutter and his fiance Melyssa Miller of Depoe Bay – in Part I of our series.
3N heavily documented this hate rally, with one member even wearing a GoPro to record the entire event. This allowed them to produce several pieces of propaganda to post to their telegram, which quickly got picked up by large far-right telegram channels and other active clubs.
They also uploaded a few group photos after the event, including two versions of the same shot; one that showed them giving a Nazi salute, the other without the salute. (You can guess which one they posted to Twitter).
On May 20th Bozeman, Montana hosted its first formal LGBTQ Pride festival in over a decade. That same day, the Livingston Pride Coalition was hosting a children’s literacy event. Both of these events would be disrupted by a group of just under 20 individuals rallying under the 3N banner. Many of these neo-Nazis traveled great distances from across the Northwestern US, arriving in Montana to spout their genocidal rhetoric. They would ultimately commit multiple assaults on Pride attendees that day, people who were just there to celebrate queer joy.
Events like these are convenient for EAC leader Daniel Rowe, who has been working hard over the last several months to become the top-man in charge of all of the neo-Nazi street activities in the Northwest. The point behind 3N protesting these Pride events is as much about Rowe increasing his clout and influence, while expanding 3N east, as it is about white nationalists doing their regular hate “activism” and promo vid routine.
3N’s harassment of Montana Pride events began in Livingston, where white supremacists from EAC and RCN joined Big Sky Active Club and White Lives Matter Montana. This was the first event that the Montana crews had ever attended as 3N. They wondered around Livingston aimlessly, spouting off hate at anyone who would listen and taking pictures of themselves being bullies.
Eventually they left and drove to Bozeman, where they repeated the same violent talking points and again attempted to stage their propaganda photoshoots. This time their efforts were continuously disrupted by people dancing in front of their banners. When things got chippy, the Bozeman police, as is routine in these situations, provided more protection for 3N than they did their own community. They stood by and watched several instances where the neo-Nazis assaulted people, but only confronted and gave warnings to the community members who bravely opposed the fascists.
And of course, 3N committed their assaults on easy targets – members threw a couple of middle-aged women to the ground, tried and failed to fight a senior citizen, and then ganged up on and assaulted a random person walking alone on a side-street. Although they later tried to claim that this last assault was them “fighting antifa,” you can clearly see from their own footage that this person was wearing an American flag t-shirt and asking if they were “feds”. It’s obvious the person they attacked wasn’t “antifa”, and was instead a passerby that was just unfortunate enough to have set off 3N’s hair-trigger tempers.

Left: A member of White Live Matter Montana shoves a pride attendee with his shield. Right: Members of 3N assault and pepperspray someone.
All in all, the good people of Bozeman were focused on enjoying the Pride festivities and mostly ignored the Nazis. But when some folks from the queer and BIPOC community started to push back, 3N pulled up stakes and quickly scurried away.
Within hours they were bragging online about how they had fought in the streets against communists and defeated antifa. And amidst all the gloating it seems to have gone swimmingly between Daniel Rowe and Sebastian Campbell’s WLM crew, because a few days later it was announced that they had been admitted into the Northwest Nationalist Network.
But despite their actions in Bozeman and Livingston (the cowards kept chanting “whose streets, our streets” but never actually left the sidewalk), these fascists did not succeed in intimidating or shutting down any aspect of the LGBTQ Pride festivities.
Our first article on EAC and 3N dropped just before the Bozeman event. Later that week the identification of one of RCN’s most prolific members – Nick Paine “The Port A Potty Nazi” – was released. In the fallout of egos that followed, Casey Knuteson and his crew were voted out of 3N. In retaliation, Casey kicked everyone out of the private vetted chat and “hijacked” the 3N telegram channel. Soon there were competing 3N channels, including versions that appeared to be outside individuals who were trolling the two sides. (If there’s one thing that’s predictable in life, it’s white nationalist infighting and the trolls who gather to feed off of the drama).
The crews would briefly patch things up a couple weeks later in an attempt at “white unity,” but the Nazi kumbaya would only last another couple weeks before the coalition crumbled again.
On May 30th, during the first break-up, the Rose City Nationalists released a propaganda video on their RCN telegram channel consisting of two separate banner drops on two separate highway overpasses. It was the first media produced of RCN doing solo “activism” since the formation of 3N. The footage was clearly filmed on two different dates. The first banner drop, which read “GENDER THEORY IS POISON,” was held a couple months prior on the Broadacres Rd overpass just north of Woodburn, OR on I5. The second, presumably filmed a few days before the video’s release, used the same banner and was held on the Gordon Rd overpass on US Highway 26 in North Plains, OR. Both “activisms” featured a few participants who looked rather dejected, hanging their hate signs in relatively obscure locations. Neither of them resulted in any social media attention.
Given that this video was dropped during the first 3N break-up and wasn’t released under 3N’s name, and judging by its extremely low production quality, it suggests that they didn’t utilize 3N’s so-called “media team” to make the video, but instead downgraded to RCN leader Casey Knuteson’s lackluster editing skills. It illustrated that RCN had been relying heavily on EAC to produce any halfway decent propaganda.
On June 6th, an attempt to repair their coalition was announced. “Over the past few weeks many have seen what happened, we aren’t prepared to comment on it just yet. But what we are prepared to say [is] ALL of 3N is here, together.” Four days later, members of RCN would travel north to join their 3N brothers for an activism that would become the first of two viral humiliations in as many weeks. The alliance would not last.
On Saturday June 10th, about a dozen members of 3N disrupted the Lewis County Pride celebration, an annual event held in the small city of Centralia, Washington. Along with a large banner reading “DEGENERACY IS NOTHING TO BE PROUD OF”, 3N members carried Sonnenrad, “Appeal to Heaven”, Northwest Territorial Imperative, and Rose City Nationalist flags. As can be seen from photos of the event, one member also appeared to be concealed carrying. In case it wasn’t obvious from Daniel Rowe’s 2016 stabbing conviction, these fascists should always be regarded as armed, dangerous, and capable of violence.
The brave people of Lewis County aren’t easily intimidated, though. 3N’s hateful rhetoric did very little to stop the celebration of queer joy in Centralia. Pride attendees drowned out their bigotry with devastating effect, moving their dance party from a plaza to the streets, where they could block the view of the white supremacist banner.
Then white pride got absolutely crushed by gay pride when one of the fascists got into a push-up contest with a Pride attendee. In the following video—which went fairly viral, having since been used in news coverage of the event and garnering well over 161k likes on TikTok—you can see a pathetic neo-Nazi get hilariously defeated in front of his fascist buddies.
While we by no means want to distract from or downplay the very real threat that these white supremacists pose to our communities, this push-up fail is just so shamefully comical, seeing as he’s a member of a so-called “Active Club.”
But 3N’s bad day didn’t end there. While leaving the event, they were followed by an extremely courageous community member who was able to record some of the license plates of the vehicles 3N drove; this in the face of threats, and despite panicked attempts to block their filming by 3N members.

Left: 2001 Subaru Forester, WA plate# BUF2047, presumably belonging to Daniel Rowe. Right: 2023 Ford Explorer, CA plate# 9DOK997.
After being laughed out of Lewis County Pride, the hapless gaggle of fascists attempted to enter multiple restaurants and bars around Centralia and neighboring Chehalis, but were reportedly denied service at each one. When they eventually found a bar that was willing to serve them, they staged a group photo out front. However, after a few drinks the owners realized they were serving Nazis, and promptly kicked the group out.
On June 18th, three members from Big Sky Active Club traveled to the small town of Lander, Wyoming, located just outside of the Wind River Reservation. They met up with members of both the Wyoming Active Club and Patriot Front to protest the annual Wind River Pride celebration. The members displayed a banner that said “PEDOPHILES NOT WELCOME,” the same one that was displayed at the two Montana events a month prior. After the fascists insulted an Indigenous Pride attendee, there was an altercation with what appeared to be a teenager. When security moved in to break it up, the group of white nationalists left.
This was almost assuredly an opportunity for BSAC to network with regional active clubs in the name of 3N, and it is possible that the Wyoming Active Club could join the united front of 3N in the near future. It was also an opportunity for 3N to further strengthen their Patriot Front ties, which have always existed in various forms since the beginning. (For example, RCN leader Casey is a former member).
By June 22nd, the attempt at repairing the alliance had fallen apart and the Rose City Nationalists were again no longer a member-group of the Northwest Nationalist Network. Two days later, on June 24th, RCN would experience their second viral humiliation by getting their asses handed to them by the PDX Proud Boys in Oregon City, touching off a nationwide round of threats between various political street gangs. Less noticed was that 3N turned up to throw Nazi salutes at Pride in Perry—a Spokane, Washington Pride festival.
Time will tell, but this day could end up being pivotal for fascist organizing. We’ll dive deeper into the events of June 24th in a later article, but it should be noted that although 3N and RCN have parted ways, the Northwest Nationalist Network has shown a sort of solidarity by joining in with the mocking of and threats made against the “less-racist” (but still wildly bigoted and violent) civic nationalist arm of the Proud Boys.
It remains to be seen how this recent turn of events will effect 3N’s organizing efforts. Although they are still relatively small, the ever increasing influence and clout that they exert in white nationalist circles is a threat that shouldn’t be dismissed.
One way to push back on their organizing efforts is to shed some light on their members. So, let’s meet a couple more fascists who have been identified doing the white power thing with 3N.
Alan Elliser is a neo-Nazi skinhead operating out of Tacoma, Washington, and a member of the Evergreen Active Club. Elliser was spotted on the ground at the recent hate rally in Centralia, where he was wearing an EAC shirt and hovering around Daniel Rowe for the majority of the event (he did at one point break his tether to Rowe and help hold the group’s banner). Throughout the entire event, Elliser spewed anti-LGBTQ and white nationalist rhetoric, while attempting to physically intimidate the attendees of Lewis County Pride.
Alan Elliser can also be seen in the video of 3N member’s cars, where is he the first to confront the person who was brave enough to follow them. He repeatedly tried to intimidate this individual, making threats such as “if you’re smart you’ll walk that way.”
Alan Elliser and his mean temper is yet another example of the deep overlap between EAC and old school boneheads. Alan’s older brother, Eric “Twist” Elliser, is a member of the prison bonehead gang Aryan Skins Kindred who is currently serving a life sentence for the 2013 murder of a fellow member. The victim, Derek Wagner, was caught sleeping with a fellow member’s wife, which prompted a brutal gang beating and stabbing. Aryan Skins Kindred has ties with the Hakenkreuz Skinheads neo-Nazi prison gang, which EAC leader Daniel Rowe was a member of during his time at the Washington State Penitentiary.
Like many of his bonehead ilk, Elliser has an extensive criminal history that includes assault charges, drug possession, and an impressive collection of DUI’s and traffic violations
According to Alan Elliser’s linkedIn, he is a self-employed carpenter. It is likely that Alan is currently in-between gigs, as he recently finished a 6 month contracting job at Alliance Partition Systems, out of their Tacoma office, earlier this month. In addition, Alan has previously done work for Performance Contracting Inc. around the Seattle area. People doing contracted carpentry work in the Seattle area should be aware of the safety risks Elliser brings to job sites, and employers should avoid contracting someone who holds such violent and hateful beliefs.
Bradley Beck (DOB 3/27/95) is a domestic abuser and member of the white nationalist Evergreen Active Club who lives in Benton City, Washington, part of the Tri-Cities area. Bradley served a prison sentence at WSP where he became friends with Daniel Rowe, who was a part of the Hakenkreuz neo-Nazi gang at the time. It is a friendship that continues to this day.
Bradley was among the group of 3N members who were present at the hate rally in Pasco on April 5th, where they hurled anti-LGBTQ rhetoric at attendees of a family-friendly drag event.
Bradley Beck has a violent past which includes multiple charges of domestic violence. In his most recent arrest, back in October 2016, Beck threatened his ex-partner with a knife.
Bradley Beck also wears 3N merchandise in his daily life, just one of many examples of his habit of making poor life decisions.
Bradley Beck is currently employed as a journeyman at Columbia Basin Satellite & Electric in Kennewick, Washington. He can be seen in multiple photos from the company’s social media. Please call Columbia Basin Satellite & Electric at (509) 783-7283 to let them know that they are employing a member of a neo-Nazi organization (always dial *67 first to block your number).
That’s it for now. Stay tuned for Part IV where we will continue to expose the Evergreen Active Club and their partners in the Northwest Nationalist Network.
If you have any further information about the people mentioned in this article, or believe you have identified members of EAC whose names have not yet been released, please get in touch with us at EACtips@protonmail.com.