Thanks to an anonymous tip, we’ve identified #PoloHatUTR as Professor Christopher Andrew Healy of , SC
Welcome to the sunlight, Chris Healy!
Prof. Healy’s participation at UTR went unnoticed for 5 years, until we spotted him in video.
Click images to view full size versions.
Initially we were unsure what he was doing there – he wasn’t dressed the same way as other fascists, and it wasn’t clear if he was interacting with anyone, or even an actual participant. As more information came to light, we started to see Healy for who he really is.
Thread: Thanks to an anonymous tip, we’ve identified Unite the Right attendee #PoloHatUTR as Professor Christopher Andrew Healy of Pickens, SC. Welcome to the sunlight! Nice loafers, Chris. Wear them often? [Archive]
The “Unite the Right” rally at Charlottesville on 11th and 12th August, 2017, had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a statue. The rally wasn’t called “Save the Statue”, it was called “Unite the Right”, and it was organised exclusively by, and for, white supremacists.
On 11th August 2017, attendees held a tiki torch march in which they openly used antisemitic language. Later the same night, they started attacking local students, some of whom required hospitalization.
The people who travelled (often hundreds of miles, or more) to Charlottesville have overwhelmingly been linked to far-right hate groups; many have been involved in documented cases of violence, often in multiple cities/events.
Christopher Adrew Healy, a purportedly intelligent man, is claiming that he was only there to support the statue, that he didn’t know there were violent white supremacists attending, and that he was not a participant of any white supremacist activities.
There is no evidence of him being there for the statue, and, on the contrary, a growing mountain of evidence that he was there to pariticipate in a white supremacist gathering.
Any notion that Prof. Chris Healy of Pickens SC was there to protest removal of a Confederate statue is blatant and utter nonsense. “Unite the Right” was organised by white supremacists, for white supremacists, in the hope of triggering a race war, all of which is widely documented and also proven in Sines v. Kessler court case.
Due to lots of updates since initial publication, this article has been completely rewritten for clarity and coherence.
- First exposé (30th Sep 2022): We published a twitter thread (archive) exposing Prof. Chris Healy, a Computer Science lecturer at Furman University, as having been present at “Unite the Right” nazi rally in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017. In the expose, we show he was in the nazi pen and seemingly part of a nazi procession, expose his British National Party (BNP) membership, and question the validity of his data collection/analysis in relation to “Grade Inflation” research.
- Furman Response (1st Oct 2022): Furman University responds to our initial exposé; they confirm they are invesigating and that Healy will not be allowed on campus until further notice.
- Second exposé (4th Oct 2022): For our second twitter thread (archive) we obtained video footage of Healy walking up the steps to Emancipation Park, and also tied his private email address to accounts on ManyVids and AdultFriendFinder (we did not publicise the adult site links until 6th Oct, in the third exposé).
- Healy Response (6th Oct 2022): Healy made his first public response, claiming “Statue bro, free speech, bro, just don’t mention the nazi flag march bro” (Fox Carolina, archive).
- FIRE Response (6th Oct 2022): Right-wing “free speech” org attempts to claim that being part of a far-right nazi flag march, and BNP membership, etc., is nothing to worry about. (twitter, archive; website, archive)
- Third exposé (6th Oct 2022): A twitter thread (archive) of new videos and photos show Healy directly participating in a nazi parade alongside neo-nazi propagandist Kyle Rogers.
- Healy Response (7th Oct 2022): Healy claims that his membership of fascist BNP is not relevant, and that, despite being a member of a fascist party and direct participation in a nazi flag march in Charlottesville, he didn’t know about nazis and has no association with them.
- Update (8th Oct 2022): Additional footage of Prof. Healy places him in the nazi pen with a crowd that gave nazi salutes to David Duke (KKK).
Having posted photos of then-unknown #PoloHatUTR to twitter, we received an anonymous tip that the person in the photos appeared to be Chris Healy, a Professor at Furman University.
1.1. Employment
In our first exposé, we located the bio of Chris Healy and confirmed that he is (at time of writing) a Professor of Computer Science at Furman University (@FurmanU) in South Carolina.
It seems he’s worked there for a long time, and he’s published several academic papers relating to computer science, most of which are not relevant to this article (although we’ll review one two projects he’s worked on towards the end of the article).
1.2. Lack of photos
We also noted that Chris Healy appears to be camera-shy. Unlike most other staff, his photo does not appear on his bio (above) or faculty page (below).
Even in news articles about some of his more famous research, there were still no photos of Chris Healy. We did eventually find one news article that had an image placeholder, but the image had been removed:
So we turned to the internet – again, same situation. Not a single picture of Chris in any of the search engines.
Note: We subsequently found a few news articles with photos, but they were all prior to the Charlottesville race riot (August 2017). So it seems Chris made a conscious effort to keep a low profile after Charlottesville.
A lack of photos, particilarly of a University Professor who’s made international news headlines for some of his research, is a red flag. We regularly investigate subjects who have tried to remove thier photos from the internet to make identification harder.
1.3. Discovery of photos
Scrubbing the internet of phtos is futile. Like everyone, Chris Healy has colleagues and attends dinners and events with them, and they take photos and post them to social media, etc.
As part of our first exposé, we found lots of photos, mostly of Chris Healy at Furman University and related social events, some of which we published.
Pay attention to his loafers, we’ll be coming back to them later.
1.4. Face Recognition
As part of our first exposé, we ran multiple combinations of photos through FR (Face Recognition) and in each case the photos of #PoloHatUTR matched confirmed reference photos of Prof. Chris Healy at work, socialising, and other events, with a very high degree of certainty (at or above 99.7% in all cases).
While FR is not perfect, getting extremely high similarity results on all tests was a good indicator that Chris Healy was in fact #PoloHatUTR.
Additionally, we did manual inspections of his mannerisms, for example he has a very distinctive smile – particularly the shaping of his cheeks and protrusion of bottom lip:
We also looked at the way he stands, how his hands rest (oddly!) when he’s not doing anything with them, and so on. It all matched. We had our guy.
1.5. Loafer recognition
It’s somewhat rare that we get to use our antifa shoe identification toolkit, so we were delighted when we noticed Chris Healy was wearing his favourite work shoes to a nazi race riot.
Note, also, how he wears trousers which are too long, both at work and at nazi race riots, resulting in a pyriform shoe overhang.
We loaded pics of his loafers in to the antifa shoe recognition tool – they matched. There was much rejoicing at antifa HQ, and we all received bonuses in our monthly Soros checks.
Note: Yes, we know they are technically boat shoes, but loafers sounded more amusing.
This information was published as part of the first exposé.
Thanks to newly discovered videos and photos, along with other pertinent details, we can now create a rough timeline of Healy’s known locations and actions on August 12, 2017 at the Charlottesville nazi rally.
Note: We’re still confirming the sequence of events so this timeline is subject to change.
2.1. Travel to Charlottesville
We know where Chris is from (see Dox section), and where he works, and where he was on August 12th 2017.
How long did it take him to get from his house to a nazi race riot? By our rough estimate, assuming some fash-induced traffic jams, we reckon about 7 hours:
Given that we have sightings of him in Emancipation Park in the morning of August 12, 2017, we assume he will have travelled to Charlottesville on August 11th or earlier.
“But horsey bloke statue, bro, free speech bro”. Yeah, no.
2.2. Walking to parade assembly point
In our first exposé of Prof. Chris Healy, we obtained video showing multiple fascists and nazis walking down a path. Healy could be seen, briefly, walking amongst them.
Note: This was the original piece of evidence we had of Healy’s participation in “Unite the Right”.
For a few fames of the video, Healy looks directly in to the camera (photo at top of article) and aslo briefly smiles at someone (below) as he walks towards the camera.
Note: We have since identified the man Healy smiles at, breifly, as a non-participant journalist who has no connection to Healy.
The camera temporarily pans sideways, giving us a clearer idea of what’s happening – the nazis are exiting Emancipation Park and assembling in 2nd St NE.
(todo: pic/vid)
2.3. Nazi parade
In our third exposé of Prof. Chris Healy, we obtained video footage showing what happened next. Healy, along with other white supremacists – including nazis carrying nazi swastika flags – organise themselves in to a parade formation, ready to march down 2nd St NE towards the corner with E Market St.
Standing directly in front of Healy is a man in a pink shirt, aka #PinkShirtUTR, and in front of him a man with an “RWDS” shield, an acronym for “Right Wing Death Squad”. Further ahead, there is a nazi carrying a nazi swastika flag.
Note: This evidence alone makes it absolutely clear what Healy is involved in. It completely obliterates any notion that Healy was there for a statue, because he’s seen participating in a nazi flag march led by violent white supremacists.
The same video shows the start of the march, and that it’s led by white-supremacist group “League of the South” (LOS).
Before long, fighting breaks out between the Shield Wall Network members of the parade, and counter-protestors (mostly residents of Charlottesville).
(todo: vid/pic)
Note: We have not published the fight footage to twitter as Healy does not appear to participate in the fighting.
2.4. Cause of fighting
In the video above, it’s not clear why the fighting started. However, in a separate video, we can see (just – due to poor camera angle) that the League of South (LOS) Shield Wall at the front of the parade charges directly in to counter-protestors who are blocking the road.
(todo: vid)
At that point, fighting breaks out along much of the length of the parade (as seen in the other video).
Note: We have not published the fight footage to twitter as Healy does not appear to participate in the fighting.
2.5. Bottom of steps
Cameras next pick up Healy near the corner of 2nd St NE and E Market St, where an entrance to Emancipation Park (via some steps) is located.
Prof. Healy was also captured in a photo at the base of the steps which appeared in an article in the Times of Israel (archive):
So much for keeping a low profile, Chris. LOL!
The bloke with the nazi flag has a nazi t-shirt, and the bloke behind him has SS Bolts and rune tattoos. And behind him is a skinhead with a confederate flag. This is a nazi parade, and it has nothing to do with a statue.
Note: This evidence made it clear to us that Healy was on the nazi side of the crowd, and that Healy was following nazis in to Emancipation Park, which was filled with nazis.
The photo with the nazi flag can be found in AP photos website (archive). Sadly, the EXIF metadata was somewhat useless and attempts to contact AP and the photographer for clarification have not been successful.
2.6. Climbing the steps
In our second exposé of Prof. Chris Healy, we obtained blurry footage showing him climbing the steps in to Emancipation Park. He is closely followed by #PinkShirtUTR.
Note: This evidence also rules out any possibility that Healy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
2.7. Return to Emancipation Park
In our third exposé, we obtained a video showing an interview with David Duke (KKK). In that video, the camera pans towards the park entrance breifly, capturing the nazi flag dude – and Prof. Chris Healy.
Note that he is not accompanied by #PinkShirtUTR who had followed him up the steps in to Emancipation Park.
By this point, Chris Healy has participated in a nazi parade which resulted in violence, and instead of leaving he returns back to the nazi pen.
Note: Again, this evidence alone makes it clear that Healy is not in Charlottesville for some stupid statue; he’s there for a white supremacist rally.
2.8. More sightings in the park
Later in the same video we obtained in the third exposé, we catch another glimpse of Healy.
Notice how he is now back with #PinkShirtUTR, and that as Healy starts to walk away #PinkShirtUTR follows. This indicates that Healy and #PinkShirtUTR likely know each other, as they keep gravitating towards each other.
2.9 Azzmador Livestream
Note: We have not yet published this information to twitter
We have obtained livestream footage (August 12, 2017) created by a neo-nazi who calls himself Azzmador. He runs a nazi website, called The Daily Stormer. His real name is Robert Warren Ray, and his is currently on the run from law enforcement due to his illegal use of tear gas on August 11, 2017, at the antisemitic tiki torch parade in Charlottesville.
We believe the Azzmador livestream spans the entire timeline we’ve determined so far for Prof. Healy. As such it serves to clearly illustrate that the whole event was first and foremost a white supremacist event and that Prof. Healy could not have been in even the slightest doubt about what he was participating in.
Around half way through the livestream, we see David Duke (KKK) entering Emancipation Park, Charlottesville. Many in the crowd start giving nazi salutes upon his arrival, chanting “David Duke! David Duke!”.
(todo: vid clip)
This correlates with the earlier video featuring David Duke, so now we know what Healy witnessed as returned to the park after the nazi flag march: Nazis doing salutes and shouting “David Duke!”. Healy chose to remain in the park.
Roughly 10-15 minutes later, in the same uninterrupted livestream, we see David Duke and Azzmador walk directly past Healy, who looks at them breifly, then spots the camera and looks away.
Note: From this evidence alone, including the nazi salutes he would have witnessed upon return to the park, there can be no doubt that Healy knows he is participating in a nazi event.
Shortly after, Duke and Azzmador then meet up with neo-nazi Vanguard America and exit the park to do a racist street march chanting “Blood and Soil” and “Jews will not replace us”, as if we needed any more evidence to clarify what “Unite the Right” was actually about on both 11th and 12th of August 2017.
(todo: vid clip)
Knowing his name and where he worked, and assuming like most University Professors that he’d probably live pretty close to the University, it didn’t take long to get his home address and other contact details. Simple tools like Clustrmaps (archive) turned up sufficient info, but we used other OSINT tools/techniques to verify and obtain more info.
These tools led to some startling discoveries.
As more footage and information has become available, we are forming a clearer picture of what Prof. Healy’s role might be within the white supremacist movement, and his associations.
We suspect Prof. Healy’s key role in the far-right is primarily systemic. He doesn’t get in to street fights; instead, he helps engineer narratives and policies which adversely affect target demographics, or at the very least give a sense of legitimacy to the bullshit spouted by far-right and conservative pundits.
4.1. FIRE
Prof. Healy has selected FIRE (“Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression“) to represent him for media enquiries and also in the Furman investigation in to Healy’s participation in UTR.
FIRE doesn’t seem to concerned about free speech and rights of liberals, minorities, etc., but is making a big fuss over Healy (archive) and other far-right figures. This leads us to believe Healy is someone the far-right wishes to protect – they are investing time, money and resources trying to get him back to work at Furman University.
See also: FIRE website (archive)
Note: We have not mentioned FIRE on twitter yet, other than to laugh at their ludicrous assertion that Prof. Healy was only at an overtly nazi and white supremacist rally “because Statue bro, freeeee speech bro, accidental nazi march bro”.
4.2. British National Party (BNP)
In our first exposé, we cast sunlight on Prof. Healy’s membership in British National Party (BNP). This was achieved via search of a data leak of the the entire membership database of BNP published by Wikileaks (archive).
The leak occurred because a member of BNP was frustrated that it somehow wasn’t racist and fascist enough, so he leaked the database to the internet c.2008.
We can sum up what the BNP was with just one photo (📸James M Thorne/CC BY 2.0) of people protesting against it:
The BNP was so awful that the UK Police Force banned cops to joining! Can you imagine how bad things have to get before cops won’t touch it with a barge pole?
Notably, the BNP used a strategy of hijacking “Free Speech” to bypass no-platform policies at British schools and universities, thus allowing BNP to recruit on campus. That tactic is used on a massive scale by the alt-right, who routinely recruit on camps.
4.3. Kyle Rogers = #PinkShirtUTR
From the footage we’ve reviewed so far, including the materials we’ve published here and on twitter, Prof. Healy and #PinkShirtUTR were seen together on several occasions. We confirmed that they were separated a few times and then gravitated back to each other later, indicating that they do in fact know each other.
#PinkShirtUTR is well known white supremacist Kyle Rogers. Notably, Rogers’ online articles both radicalised Dylann Roof and inspired him to murder nine members of the Mother Emanuel A.M.E. church in Charleston (June 2014).
He has extensive links to the Council of Conservative Citiezens, a white supremacist group derived from White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South.
The SPLC article on Kyle Rogers covers his nefarious activities in detail.
4.4. League of the South
While inspecting photos and videos, we noticed that Healy, a professor at a university in South Carolina, was often in the vicinity of members of the SPLC-designated hate group “League of the South” (LOS) – which was founded in 1994 by southern university professors.
We also know that #PinkShirtUTR, aka Kyle Rogers, and his successor, Bradley Dean Griffin, who also attended UTR, have direct connections to LOS.
The nazi flag march that Healy participated in was led by LOS.
We strongly suspect that Prof. Chris Healy is associated with, and is possibly even a co-founder of, LOS, and urge future researchers to investigate this thoroughly.
4.5. Grade Inflation
Prof. Healy was the data collector/analyst for “Grade Inflation” research which made international headlines and resulted in policy changes in academia and even national legislation.
Grade Inflation is a concept that students have recently been getting better grades not because they are getting smarter, or that teaching is getting more effective, but because they’re given an easy ride, oft touted by conservatives as “education marxism”.
There’s a website for it:
Ignoring the fact that boomers got the most from “Grade Inflation”, far-right pundits like Tucker Carlson are using Grade Inflation as an excuse to blame “the left, lesbians, etc” for destroying education and society at large, or some bullshit like that.
More recent research, however, paints a very different picture (archive).
4.6. Make humans accountable at work
Thanks to the community, we also know Chris was involved in another newsworthy project: “Making humans accountable at work” (archive).
Chris, how about we make work accountable to humans?
The project seems to be about using computers to manage the humans, because obviously the humans are just cogs in a machine that’s not designed to benefit humans any more.
5.1. Anglo-Celt
We found another link which shows the link between Healy, Rogers, and LOS – they all reference “Anglo-Celts” (or variations of that).
League of the South (LOS) wants a white ethnostate run by “Anglo Celt” males.
Kyle Rogers writes propaganda claiming Anglo-Celts were the original inhabitants of US. (wtf!)
In a Skype search, Prof. Chris Healy‘s personal email (“”) returns an account is called “CeltAngloSaxon” (Furman University is based on Greenville, SC):
He also uses the same id, “celtanglosaxon” for his Gravatar account.
6. Responses
6.1 Furman University (1st Oct 2022):
Furman University has posted an initial response on their website (1st Oct 2022). Screenshots of the statement are shown below.
This is a suprisingly good initial response. Instead of defending the institution, they’ve bluntly denounced white supremacism and most of the response focusses on the needs of students. That’s a great start. We’ll post more updates as they arrive.
6.2. Chris Healy & FIRE (6th Oct 2022):
As reported in Fox Carolina (archive), Healy’s first public reponse is laughable:
“This event dealt with the question of keeping intact a statue of Robert E. Lee. All I did in attending the event was exercise my rights as an American citizen, and this episode has taught me that there are real enemies of free speech. In the USA, we are not guilty by association, but I feel like a butterfly being accused of starting a hurricane.”
Yeah, just don’t mention that nazi flag march you were in that plowed in to counter-protestors sparing mass violence, bro. Or all the other violence that day. Or the white supremacists, nazis, fascists, racists, etc. Or the fact that someone fucking died when a nazi drove in to a crowd. Wanker.
FIRE sent a BNP-esque 5 page letter of bullshit claiming that a university that values diversity should totally reinstate a white supremacist who wants to eradicate diversity because “muh anglo-celt ethnostate”.
6.3. Chris Healy (7th Oct 2022):
In a statement to the media (archive), Healy, when questioned about his BNP membership, claimed “That’s irrelevant”.

Sure, I was in a literal nazi flag march but I didn’t know they were nazis and I certainly was not associated with the nazis in the nazi flag march I was part of…
He also claimed that he didn’t know there were nazis in Charlottesville and that he had no association with them, despite his participation in a nazi flag march and multiple chats with alt-right propagandist Kyle Rogers.