Meet former Identity Dixie member Lauren Wendy Blasco

White supremacists work in nearly every profession in America. Some jobs make their beliefs much more dangerous: Cops, military personnel, teachers, and healthcare professionals are among the most problematic.

In professions like those, the ability for racists and bigots to translate their beliefs into great damage is outsized. Tonight I must put a bright light one one such person. Meet former Identity Dixie member Lauren Wendy Blasco.


Lauren Wendy Blasco was the Identity Dixie member that created the Florida chapter, named “Florida Crackers”.

 A “Cracker” is cow whip. Identity Dixie is a southern nationalist hate group and multiple Identity Dixie leaders believe Black people, and others, deserve to be slaves to whites. Noticed the whip cracking silhouette at the bottom. The 1488 is the cherry on top.

Lauren Wendy Blasco signed up as interested in attending the deadly August 2017 Unite The Right white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, VA.


She also signed up for a racist white genocide event put on by Augustus Invictus.


I looked through the paper and couldn’t find any mention of her extremist background. Whether they didn’t know or did and didn’t mention it in their paper, it’s a huge problem.


At Embry-Riddle she wrote her undergraduate thesis on the Alt-Right.
She wasn’t just in Identity Dixie and starting a 1488 whip cracking state chapter. She was seeing Tyler James Thompson.
Tyler James Thompson was in the Knights of the Silvern Circle leadership team and co-host of the racist Good Morning Weimerica podcast.



Tyler is a fucking Nazi. Full stop. Lauren Wendy Blasco used his 1488 in the design for the Florida Cracker chapter SHE created.





Lauren Blasco was also recently cited regarding a thread on the Buffalo mass murder. Yeah, she knows her white supremacy, but just not in the way her colleagues think.
There’s no room for hate group members influencing policy in the halls of power. If anyone from @ElliottSchoolGW and @NCITE_COE has an questions, my DMs are open.